Friday, January 11, 2008

My wish

My wish in my next birth would be to live life backwards.

I would enter life as an old crumpled old woman with nothing but despair and old age in and a withered old body in an old age home. In a few years I would get kicked out of the Old age home for being fit and healthy.

I’ll live of my social security and retirement checks. Travel, be with my kids, and enjoy all the hobbies and creative aspects of my being.

In another few years I’d be in the prime of my career where I would have done it all. Working in a career of my choice, making loads of money – (or at least the most I have even made in my life).

Then I’d go back to college, party, drink, study and have fun, yeah……..teenage hood would be great – I’d do all the confused rebellious things typical of teenagers.

Followed by childhood and toddler hood where I can throw as many tantrums I care for – no tension of studies or any responsibility but to hug and kiss my parents to make them feel special.

Being a baby would be awesome, where all my needs will be catered to – all I have to do is cry as loud as I can – man that would be life.

And the last part of my life will be a womb floating in Spa like conditions where all I have to do is to be. Finally I’d die as some ones org---, is a moment of ecstasy without anyone mourning for me or even feeling my loss.

Now that is what I call life.

Unfortunately this is not possible – so let’s live today and make the most of it. Today will be tomorrow soon. Let your motto be not to have any regrets for tomorrow by making your today beautiful today. It’s now or never……………